Refractive surgeons report on their experience with the state-of-the-art femtosecond laser technology SCHWIND ATOS®.
These testimonials offer insights into the experiences and perspectives of medical professionals using SCHWIND eye laser technologies.
OCL Vision, United Kingdom
Lenticule extraction, performed by femtosecond lasers, is a procedure already proven to work. These days it's now just a matter of which platform to use that stands out from the rest. With SCHWIND's ATOS®, you have a femtosecond laser optimally used, not only for LASIK, but most especially with SmartSight laser-assisted lenticular extraction.
Svjetlost Eye Clinic, Croatia
A closer look at SCHWIND ATOS
Centro Abax, Italy
I am very happy with SCHWIND ATOS
Dr. Guido Caramello has performed first SmartSight surgeries with SCHWIND ATOS femtosecond laser.
"It's a cutting edge technology. It is an extremely precise procedure. It's safe and comfortable for the patient and for the surgeon. I am very happy with this new laser."
Eye+Laser, Austria
My experience with the SCHWIND ATOS
Victor Derhartunian, MD, talks about his experience, the great potential and challenges of the SCHWIND ATOS.
What makes SmartSight lenticule extraction with the SCHWIND ATOS® so special? Dr. Pooja Khamar (India) dives into the game-changing “low-dose” technology and explains how the ATOS femtosecond laser is elevating precision and patient outcomes. From fast corneal healing to fully customizable treatments, find out why low-dose energy is the future of laser vision correction.
Ritasalus Eye Clinic, Italy
"I very much enjoy working with the SCHWIND ATOS".
Ritasalus Eye Clinic in Verona, Italy, has been treating patients with SCHWIND ATOS and AMARIS 1050RS for several months. Armando Meneguzzo, CEO explains, why they decided for SCHWIND. Chief surgeon Prof. Dr. Emilio Pedrotti talks about the benefits of lenticule extraction using the ATOS femtosecond laser
Eye clinic Svjetlost, Croatia
Dr. med. Lucija Žerjav is the first refractive surgeon who underwent eye laser treatment with SCHWIND SmartSight technology. She treated numerous patients with SmartSight before she decided to have her myopic eyes corrected with the SCHWIND procedure. "After this experience, I'm able to guide my patients better through the whole procedure", she says.
Treatment outcomes achieved so far are very good: Many patients, including herself, had 20/20 or even better vision already one day after surgery. SmartSight has become her treatment of choice for myopia.
Ophthalmic surgeons the world over use our technologies. Here, some of them talk about their experiences with the SCHWIND AMARIS product family.