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High quality by Schwind
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The peak of performance.

High quality by Schwind
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Product picture of the AMARIS 1050RS

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Reduced stress for surgeons, better outcomes for patients, especially for astigmatic corrections. Get an overview of all features and benefits in one go. Discover our new product video!

In this study, the results of the first day and the first week were compared between the conventional and the low energy/low dose KLEx (SmartSight) procedure with SCHWIND ATOS.

SCHWIND product areas

Advanced eye laser systems, safe treatment planning, high precision diagnostic instruments – learn more about our products here.
Productshot of the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS and SCHWIND ATOS on white background

Laser systems

SCHWIND AMARIS eye lasers offer unsurpassed high pulse rates, unique eye tracking, a wide range of treatment options and much more.

SCHWIND works with selected distribution partners in over 100 countries. You can find your distributor here.

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Our comprehensive live and online training courses help users make the best use of all the benefits our technologies offer.

Training Center

SCHWIND – your specialist for good vision

As one of the technology leaders, SCHWIND is your specialist for good vision. Our excimer laser systems combine advanced technology with certified quality made in Germany. Clinical studies confirm the excellent performance of SCHWIND AMARIS laser systems.

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Have you been thinking about getting your eyes lasered? Would you like to learn more about vision and laser correction?

Young femle doctor in white gown smiling in the camera.

What do doctors say about our products?

Ophthalmic surgeons the world over trust our products. Here, some of them discuss their experience with SCHWIND technologies.

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